Company history of
Sturm Blechverarbeitung & Systeme GmbH

The origins of Sturm Blechverarbeitung & Systeme GmbH are closely linked to the family history of the Sturm company from Hankofen, which ran a forge in the Lower Bavarian village around 300 years ago.

The head of the family, Willhelm Sturm senior, recognized the signs of the times early on and started manufacturing and assembling industrial components with three employees in 1980.

In 1991, the son of the company founder, Wilhelm Sturm junior, returned to his parents’ business after completing his studies as a mechanical and welding engineer and gained initial experience as a plant manager. He built up the company from 15 employees at that time, into the internationally active Sturm group of companies. Sturm Blechverarbeitung & Systeme GmbH developed into one of the most successful business units of the Sturm group of companies.


Wilhelm Sturm senior takes over the business

Wilhelm Sturm senior took over the business as a trained master agricultural machinery mechanic, master blacksmith and master farrier


Property of the Sturm family

The property of the Sturm family with the operation of a smithy by Wilhelm Sturm senior


Construction of the first hall in Hankofen


First orders for Bleichert to produce conveyor systems


Foundation of Sturm Blechverarbeitung & Systeme GmbH


First orders for the Flottweg company

The first orders to produce stainless-steel housings


Wilhelm Sturm jun. takes over his parents’ business


Construction of a new plant on a greenfield site in the Salching industrial area (first construction phase)


Expansion of the Salching site by a further construction phase


Processing of the first major orders for welding and mounting assemblies


Expansion of the Salching site by two additional halls and an administration building


Expansion of the Salching site by two additional halls and an administration building


Investment in automated high-bay warehouse system to optimise the laser hall


The production area was extended with an assembly hall

Start of a new logistics and assembly centre (approx. 5,000 m² additional production area

2024 / 2025

Investment in state-of-the-art laser and bending technology